Monthly Archives: February 2012

My Apologies to Beauty Blender

So I have been using the Beauty Blender every day since I received it and I must say that it… Continue reading »

We Have a Winner!

CONGRATULATIONS to  Katherine from Irish Italian Blessings for winning the Incoco Nail Appliques BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY CURRENT… Continue reading »

My First Ever Blog Hop Co-Host

Please join the blog hop I am co-hosting this week by clicking on my Blog Hop tab! :) I am… Continue reading »

Birchbox Haul

JOIN BIRCHBOX NOW Just $10 per month and with their amazing point system, you earn free full size products FAST!… Continue reading »

A Second Giveaway

I am too impatient!  I had to go ahead and post my second giveaway. ;)  If you adored the polishes… Continue reading »

How to Add a Button to Your Page

So I know this isn’t exactly sample box related material, but I had a fellow blogger ask how to add… Continue reading »

Beauty Box 5- On the Fence…

So I received the cutest box ever in the mail today (well, Birchbox’s shipping box is pretty stinking adorable as… Continue reading »

Julep Maven

I am SO excited that when I came home from work today I had TWO pretty boxes waiting for me!… Continue reading »

My Glam Bag Review- Free Promo Code to First Taker

So I was at first thrilled with my My Glam bag, but now I am not too positive that I… Continue reading »

Beauty Box 5

Hello lovely ladies!  Several of you have been interested in joining different subscription services but many of them are putting… Continue reading »