About Me

Hi! I’m Jacinta.  Thanks for checking out my blog!  I was born and raised in good ol’ Kentucky, where I will probably never leave.  A country girl at heart, I am obsessed with samples and all things beauty!  While blogging is a passion, my career is in education.  I teach 8th grade Language Arts (brave soul, I know!) and will be receiving my masters in school counseling in May.  I love my students because they keep me on my toes and there is never a dull moment when they are around! 

I have been dating my current boyfriend for going on 6 years.  He is my best friend and, I must admit, a total hottie! ;)  I cannot imagine life without him or our “little girl,” Chloe, a 3-year-old Min Pin.  They are the loves of my life.

My Beauty Boxes was created to share the joy I feel each month when I receive my boxes of goodies from various beauty subscription services.  Not only do I share what I receive in my boxes and give reviews of the products, I sometimes share other beauty tidbits as well.  So if you are looking for some opportunities to try something new, save money, or just talk beauty, you have come to the right place!  I love to hear from my readers, so feel free to leave comments or message me!

I am considering starting a personal blogging page as well, so keep an eye out to hear about all of the zany things that fill my days!

You can find me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/MyBeautyBoxes or email me using the contact form below.  I look forward to sharing with you and hearing from you soon!



Comments: 2

  1. Jen@Ginger Guide April 29, 2012 at 1:11 am Reply

    Hi Jacinta, it was fabulous to meet you at Bloggy Boot camp. I’m a huge fan of beauty products so it must have been fate that we sat at the same table :) can’t wait to check out more of your blog!

    • Jacinta April 29, 2012 at 4:30 am Reply

      It was so nice to meet you as well! My head is still swimming with ideas and I am slowly crossing things off of my To Do list! I am currently switching over to WordPress. I really adore your blog. It is so neat and professional looking! If you ever want to get into guest blogging or anything like that, let me know! :)

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